Thinking of you sweetheart ur at ease now you are sadly missed and never forgotten but hey girl u rest easy ok and be the angel you have alway's been sleep tight R.i.P young lady xxx
I never met you but I knew your Aunties few years back. You were such a beautiful girl all I've heard is lovely things about you how caring you were. Rest in Peace Seesha, you can rest easy now. Too young to go you were ♡
Sleeping with great nana Phyllis and great granda Jimmy auntie margy and auntie lorraine RIP hen you were a good bairn Great Auntie Ricky,Judy and all the Family ♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️
R.i.p beautiful, you touched the heart of some many and will be sadly missed.. sleep tight x
Rip seesha you will be a huge miss with your funny personality love you princess
RIP beautiful Seesha, you are loved and missed by so many! Thoughts are with all your family 💚💚💚
Never. We never lose our loved ones. They accompany us; they don’t disappear from our lives. We are merely in different rooms. Never knew you seesha but my thoughts are with your loved ones as they prepare themselves to say their final goodbyes for now. Sleep tight in god garden angel.
RIP gorgeous girly,rest easy youll be missed by so many! ❤ ❤
R. I. P beautiful angel you are so loved xxxxxx❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
RIP little angel, gone far to soon,
All the making dens for hours then the making slime in my front garden listening to you and my son laughing and carrying on lovely memories I’ll never forget. seesha you were a beautiful and caring girl gone fat to soon but god takes the best unfortunately💚💚💚💚💚xxxxx
Fly High gorgeous girl. You will be missed, look over your family. You have left a lasting memory on all of our community xx
Fly high princess missing u loads xx R.I.P baby girl 💔💔
Your always guna be in my heart my darlin girl you were to young to go... I will always wonder why Lucas rogan Troy and vinnie will miss you so much. You had a heart of gold lots of love yur Sherrie Dan and the boys 💚
Rest in paradise beautiful angel❤️ Love you so much❤️
Fly high beautiful missing you loads not going to say bye ill will say see you soon because one day we will see you again just hope that brick wall won't be high by time I get where you are 💚💜💙love courtney xxxx
Rest in peace gorgeous, your a huge miss, such a kind and caring girl you were, rest easy beautiful 💓💓
RIP my beautiful angel I love u sm hope ur partying up there my radgie,I’m missing u lots girl !! Hope I’m making you proud 💓💓💓
Seesha has played a huge part in my daughters life and was her other half. She brought so much happiness and laughter when ever she stayed at ours and to be fair it wasn’t often as they would stay at hers, but when she did stay I’d go in and say good night and seesha always replied good night love you 💖 I can’t imagine a world without her in as her kindness and pure heart are not often found. Seesha will always be remembered by me and Jamie and our lives won’t be the same. Sending all my love to Vic and her family xxxx
R.I.P you were such a kind hearted girl🥺 may you rest easy and my thoughts all go out to your family it was a pleasure to know you💚🥺
RIP my darling, very true that god only takes the best, I’ll love nd Cherish our memories forever beautiful, love you forever and always seesha 👼🏼💖
Your the most beautiful girl in sky my girl 💚 lots of love auntie Margy Harley Ellie and your poppy 💚💚💚
Sending thoughts to family, Love and miss you seesha, My bestfriend
Rip beautiful young lady thinking off all her family ❤️Xx
Thank you for setting up this memorial to Seesha. We hope that you find it a positive experience developing the site and that it becomes a place of comfort and inspiration for you to visit whenever you want or need to.
I am I and you are you, whatever we were to each other that we still are. Speak to me in the easy way which you always used. Why should I be out of mind because I am out of sight? Life means all that it ever meant, it is the same as it ever was.